The vanilla app uplinks are compromised of two simple messages (heartbeat and temperature/humidity) to reduce the complexity and show a simple example of the device functionality.
Payload formatters
Please see The Things Stack Javascript payload formatter documentation for information on how to use payload formatters.
The javascript payload formatter below can be used to decode the vanilla app.
function decodeUplink(input) {
var data = {};
data.batt_volt = (input.bytes[0]/10);
data.temperature = (((input.bytes[1] << 8) + input.bytes[2]) - 500)/10;
data.humidity = ((input.bytes[3] << 8) + input.bytes[4])/10;
data.button = input.bytes[5];
return {
data: data,
The heartbeat uplink message on FPort 1 contains:
- The device battery voltage (useful for replacing the batteries)
- The firmware version (useful for checking which commands to send)
Temperature and Humidity
The temperature and humidity uplink message on FPort 2 contains:
- The temperature in Celsius
- The humidity in percentage (between 0% to 100%)