If you are using STM32CubeIDE as your build environment, then using the same tool to program your Generic Node Sensor Edition is convenient.

Running the project
When the build process is done you can flash the binary file to the Generic Node Sensor Edition by running the program from the STM32CubeIDE.
Right click on the project name in the Project Explorer and select Run As -> STM32 Cortex-M C/C++ Application.

This will start to flash the compiled program to the Generic Node Sensor Edition. The following figure shows the Console output, for example, when running the basic project.

When the flashing finishes the code will immediately start to run on the Generic Node Sensor Edition. If the program prints text and data to the serial port during the execution they can be displayed on a Serial Terminal. The following figure shows the Serial output on TM Terminal, for example, when running the basic project.

The STLINK-V3SET also supports Drag-and-drop flash programming of binary files.
If you want to reset the Generic Node Sensor Edition program that is running, you can press the reset button on the front of the Generic Node Sensor Edition and the current program will start again.
If everything goes well you can remove Generic Node Sensor Edition from the STLINK-V3SET.