
This section helps you set up the environment and build an application using a Docker image.


  1. Docker


  1. Clone the Generic Node Sensor Edition GitHub project as mentioned before and checkout the develop branch:
git checkout develop
  1. Run the build command:
$ cd generic-node-se/
$ docker build -t gnse_img ./Software

If the image build was successful, you will be able to use the image as your build environment.

  1. Add the following line to the generic-node-se/Software/cross.cmake file:

set(TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "/toolchain/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/")

Build example

Bind your Generic Node Sensor Edition project folder to the newly built Docker image:

$ cd generic-node-se\
$ docker run \
-it \
--name gnse \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/Software,target=/gnse \

You should now be able to build your application in the attached container:

$ mkdir -p build/debug
$ cd build/debug
$ cmake -G Ninja ../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../cross.cmake -DTARGET_APP=basic
$ ninja -v

You can also configure the following build fields in the cmake command:

  • DTARGET_APP to build a different application (try -DTARGET_APP=basic_lorawan)
  • DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release (instead of Debug) to build a smaller application for release purposes

Find your newly built application in the generic-node-se/Software/build/debug/app/basic folder.